Friday, December 27, 2019

Field Trip to the Moon

Image result for field trip to the moon

Title: Field Trip to the Moon
Author: Jeanne Willis
Illustrator: John Hare
Publisher: Margaret Ferguson Books
ISBN: 0823442535

This wordless picture book tells the story of a class that took a field trip to the moon and a little boy who does not follow the teacher and the rest of his class and goes out on his own to explore the moon. When the class leaves, the boy is left on the moon and makes friends with some of the moon creatures.
I found the illustrations in this book to be good, however, I had a difficult time truly understanding the book through the pictures. They did not seem to make the most sense and the story line was a little difficult to follow. This book is geared more towards a child who is a bit older and has a great imagination. Overall, I give this book 3 out of 4 stars. 

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